Advertise with Travel Play Live

Inspiration | Adventure | Travel | Wellness

Who we are

Travel Play Live is a multi-platform publishing company, incorporating a bi-annual print magazine, website and social media, including Facebook and Instagram. Our print publication is the only travel and lifestyle magazine in Australia written entirely for and by women. With a focus on adventure travel, sustainable tourism, luxury lodges, glamping, wellness retreats and expedition cruising, we aim to inspire readers with personal and meaningful stories about experiential travel experiences, as well as keeping them up to date with information about new tours, high-end accommodation offerings and experiences.

We also feature profiles on inspirational women working in the travel and tourism industry and organisations that give back, as well as stories about the latest gear and gadgets, must-read books and upcoming events, such as adventure film and food festivals. With a fresh perspective on publishing, we put community at the heart of our message to create client solutions that help to amplify content to our own and partner audiences who are as passionate about women’s travel as we are.

“The time is right for industries and brands to challenge and change how we portray gender in our advertising”

Our readers are passionate, open-hearted, adventurous and successful women with a high-disposable income. They love travelling overseas, but they also want to engage in adventurous activities at home and indulge in luxurious and active domestic breaks.

 We aim on partnering with like-minded brands to curate a meaningful environment for our readers & followers. The Travel Play Live woman is a highly engaged, astute buyer with decision making power and an adventurous heart, and she trusts our brand. If you want your business to cut through the clutter and reach our target demographic, Travel Play Live has something to offer you.

Travel Play Live Advertising Opportunities (print and digital)

Product Review


All prices are plus GST

If you would like us to review your product, please contact us. You will need to provide at least one unit of the product you wish us to review. We will ensure that an appropriate member of our team ‘road tests’ your product. Reviews represent the reviewer’s honest opinion of the product.


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Banner Ad (EDM x 4)


Price includes GST.

Minimum four advertisements across four EDM’s (usually fortnightly, sometimes weekly). Artwork supplied. Refer to our Media Kit for more information.

Fee includes basic analytics including reach, opens, clicks to the blog article not the advertisement , supplied upon request and completion. For a detailed analysis please contact us direct upfront so we can quote you another package.

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Banner Ad (Digital, Website – Home)


Price includes GST.

Please refer to our Media Kit for more information and specifications. 90 days.

Fee includes basic analytics including reach, opens, clicks to the page not the advertisement, supplied upon request and completion. For a detailed analysis please contact us direct upfront so we can quote you another package.


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Giveaway Sponsorship


All prices are plus GST

Plus minimum $250 prize value. We will include your Giveaway in a TPL promotion. Refer to our Media Kit for more information.

Fee includes basic analytics including reach, opens, clicks supplied upon request and completion. For a detailed analysis please contact us direct upfront so we can quote you another package.


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Event or Tour Directory (Digital)


Price includes GST.

Please refer to our Media Kit for more information. If you are a tour operator listing in our Women’s Adventures Directory (Digital) then you will qualify for a discount on Tour and Event listings. Please contact us for more information.

Fee includes basic analytics including reach, opens, clicks to the page not the listing, supplied upon request and completion. For a detailed analysis please contact us direct upfront so we can quote you another package.


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Sponsored Blog Post (native content)


All prices are plus GST

Max. 500 words plus 3 – 5 images and backlinks. Blog posts written by you may be edited at our discretion.


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Sponsored Blog Post (native content – written by you)


All prices are plus GST

Max 500 words, 3 – 5 images and backlinks. Blog posts written by you may be edited at our discretion.


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